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Código do produto: 6953175760917 | ID: 1143199
In the 1980s and 1990s, cassettes were very popular, and portable cassette players were popular across all generations. Today, however, the supply chain for cassette players is almost non-existent, which made the initial phase of the FiiO CP13 project extremely difficult and almost led FiiO to abandon the project. Fortunately, after investing a lot of time and effort and working closely with the supply chain, FiiO was able to continue working on the FiiO CP13.
After much trial and error, FiiO has carefully selected between the scarce materials in the supply chain, and finally developed a technology that represents what is currently feasible in this field. The recording and auto-reverse functions were deliberately omitted. The main focus during development was on maximising sound quality.
The FiiO CP13 features an oversized flywheel made of pure copper with a diameter of 30.4 mm and a thickness of 4 mm. The size of the flywheel helps to ensure that the reel moves as smoothly as possible during playback, thus minimising jitter. This results in synchronisation at the highest level. This results in a more authentic and better sound of the cassette being played, just as we remember it.
The motor of the FiiO CP13 is supplied with a high voltage of 4.2 V, i.e. more than the 1.8 V or 3 V that is usual in today's cassette players. This power supply works in conjunction with a motor speed stabilisation circuit that increases the resistance of the motor as required to ensure stable movement speeds - reducing unwanted pitch changes and allowing the FiiO CP13 to handle more cartridge types.
Conteúdo da embalagem
Funcionamento da bateria
Capacidade da bateria
Tipo de bateria
Tempo de reprodução (horas)
Tempo de carregamento (horas)
Fonte de alimentação
Fonte de alimentação UK/UE incluída
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Com base no número de avaliações: 4
Todas as avaliações são feitas por clientes verificados que compraram um produto nosso.
República Checa
Variante avaliada
Vynikajicí produkt. Díky FiiO a Muziker.
Tradução automática
Ladislav N.
República Checa
Variante avaliada
Hraje skvěle , jen bych uvítal kdyby měl přístroj přepínač na zvýraznění basů. Jinak přístroj splňuje to co jsem od něj očekával.
Tradução automática
Petr Č.
República Checa
Nádherná retro záležitost. Přehrává skvěle, žádné ruchy, žádný šum. Po připojení ke zvukové kartě používám k digitalizaci audia, a poměrně staré nahrávky jsou náhle ve zcela novém zvukovém náhledu. Za mě určitě jednička s hvězdičkou !
Tradução automática
Stirbu M.
Variante avaliada
Funcționează foarte bine
Tradução automática
Garantia alargada de 3 anos
Devoluções até 30 dias
Garantia de preço
Mais de 3M de clientes
Apoio profissional