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Vater VCBZ Chop Builder Zero New 11" Pad de treino

A simplified, one size and color scheme version of a pad concept that have been around for many years in slight variations, the plush surface material and 1,9 cm thickness gives drummers another pad offering that has minimal rebound as compared to...
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Pad de treino Vater VCBZ Chop Builder Zero New 11" Pad de treino

Vater VCBZ Chop Builder Zero New 11" Pad de treino

62,90 €

Código do produto: VCBZ | ID: 1059166

Vater VCBZ Chop Builder Zero New 11" Pad de treino

A simplified, one size and color scheme version of a pad concept that have been around for many years in slight variations, the plush surface material and 1,9 cm thickness gives drummers another pad offering that has minimal rebound as compared to a traditional gum rubber pad - making the player focus, fine tune and strengthen their sticking mechanics and technique.

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